Weekly Newsletter

Our office is closed for the holidays. We will reopen remotely on
January 4th.
If you require immediate assistance, please email us at jfraser.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org or call us at 613-736-9573.

No matter where you are, or how you celebrate, from my family to yours, we are wishing you health, happiness and prosperity over the holidays and into the New Year. 
I would like to thank all the frontline essential service workers, the doctors, nurses, PSWs, public health officials, grocery store workers, paramedics, police officers, firefighters and so many more for your dedication, courage and commitment to the people you serve.

The last day of operation for the OPH Community Flu Clinics this year was December 18, 2020. Clinic bookings will resume in the New Year (2021) for children under 9 years old requiring a second dose of their flu vaccine, and for clients who have not yet been immunized. Appointment bookings will be available starting December 23, 2020 at 10 am. For more information, click here: OPH Influenza (Flu) webpage

For COVID-19 Assessment Centre Holiday Hours, please click here

Please consider signing the petition I’ve created asking that the COVID-19 Command Table appear before before the Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight. You can find it here:

Be Social WISE

Continue to follow Ottawa Public Health guidelines, wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, wash hands frequently, socially distance 2 meters apart and stay home if you are not feeling well.

OPH recommends limiting gatherings as much as possible. In other words, limit gatherings to those who live in your household or those providing support services, such as a caregiver.  If you live alone (single parent, student, etc.), one or two contacts outside your home can be important social supports to draw on.

COVID-19 specific

Ontario Announces Provincewide Shutdown to Stop Spread of COVID-19

Federal government funds Canadian Red Cross Supporting up to 20 Additional Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes

Province Expands Support for Learners Program and Lowers Hydro Bills

Health Canada authorizes Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

Santa Claus is cleared for arrival in Canada

Statement from the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson regarding the service provided by the Canada Revenue Agency on the emergency benefit programs

Canada Revenue Agency launches the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Registry

Canada suspends flights from the United Kingdom for 72 hours

Special statement from Dr. Vera Etches

Provincial News

Ontario Cancelling Passenger Road Tests Across Ontario

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business (CEAP-SB)

In the Community


Personal Safety on Frozen Bodies of Water

The Ottawa Police Service would like to remind the public to exercise caution when entering onto frozen bodies of water due to the unknown thickness of ice and the presence of fast moving water in some locations. Despite the recent cold temperatures, many bodies of water will not have developed thick enough ice to support recreational use. Falling through the ice is a significant hazard due to the risk of the sudden onset of hypothermia which is a medical emergency.

Fee increases for Ottawa Police services, effective January 1st

Holiday Hours

The Ottawa Police Service would like to announce a change of service hours over the holidays – from December 24, 2020 to January 1, 2021 – with Front Desk Services at the police stations located at 3343 St-Joseph Boulevard (Orleans), 211 Huntmar Drive (Kanata) and 474 Elgin Street (Ottawa).

Thursday, December 24, 20208 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, December 25, 20208 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Elgin Station Only*)
Monday, December 28, 20208 a.m. to 6 p.m. (all stations)
Thursday, December 31, 20208 a.m. to 4 p.m.
January 1, 20218 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Elgin Station Only*)

 * Please note that on December 25 and January 1, only our Elgin Street location will be open.

 Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there are a number of changes to processes and services:

  • If you need to make a collision report, please call 613-236-1222 and follow the prompts. If the collision involves injuries, please dial 911 immediately.
  • Our Queensview location is still not accepting walk-ins. If you require a copy of a police report or information concerning an FOI request, please email FOIRequests@ottawapolice.ca.
  • If you require a record check, please use our online system at ottawapolice.ca/recordchecks, which is available 24/7. 
  • If we require you to come in to verify information for your record check, you will be emailed with an appointment time.

You can visit our website for all Holiday Hours: https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/contact-us/Find-a-Police-Station.aspx

We want to wish you and yours a safe, healthy and happy holiday season. 

Provincial shutdown will close City recreation and cultural facilities and suspend some in-person services starting December 26

Respite centre to stay warm and open over the holidays

Holiday season schedule changes

Ten ways to celebrate safely during the holidays

OPH has developed and made available a standardized Attestation for Return to School for Students Following Illness template letter for families with children returning to school following symptoms of illness

Ontario has a self-assessment tool
If you think you have 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine if you need to seek further care. Visit here.

If you require help in Ottawa South, please visit our website for Community links and contacts.

Ottawa Public Health
For the latest updates, please click here.

Government of Ontario
Every day at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  ET, the Province of Ontario’s novel coronavirus (COVID-19) web page will be updated with the most up-to-date information including the status of cases in Ontario.

Government of Canada
For the latest COVID-19 updates, please click here.
For the latest on Employment and Social Development changes for employees and employers, click here.

Find out about the current reported scams related to COVID-19.

Learn how to protect yourself when banking online.

Know what to do if you’re a victim of fraud.