Our office continues to work remotely.
If you require immediate assistance, please email us at jfraser.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org or call us at 613-736-9573.

Be Social WISE
Continue to follow Ottawa Public Health guidelines, wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, wash hands frequently, socially distance 2 meters apart and stay home if you are not feeling well.
OPH recommends limiting gatherings as much as possible. In other words, limit gatherings to those who live in your household or those providing support services, such as a caregiver. If you live alone (single parent, student, etc.), one or two contacts outside your home can be important social supports to draw on.
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COVID-19 specific
Ontario’s Booking System to Expand to Individuals Aged 75 and Older as Vaccine Rollout Accelerates and more Pharmacies and Primary Care Settings to Offer AstraZeneca to Those 60+
Ottawa Public Health Region Moving to Red-Control Level of COVID-19 Response Framework
Ontario Launching Provincial Booking System for COVID-19 Vaccines
Health Canada confirms that the benefits of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine continue to outweigh the risks for use in Canada
Government of Canada passes EI legislation and recovery benefit regulations come into effect
March 18 – Special statement from Dr. Vera Etches
Provincial News
Ontario Extending Temporary Wage Enhancement for Personal Support Workers
The Ontario government is investing in 80 new long-term care projects
Nearly 600 rapid training programs are now eligible for OSAP
Canada and Ontario Invest to Improve Interprovincial Rail Bridge
The Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN) and non-patient care functions from the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) are being transferred to Ontario Health as of April 1, 2021.
Humber College Launches Inaugural Independent Nursing Degree
New grant program will help Tourism, Culture, Sport and Recreation Organizations
Ontario Provides Additional Protection for Retirement Home Residents and Staff
2021 Fishing Information in Ontario
2021 Hunting Information in Ontario

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business

The Honourable Ted Arnott is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 Speaker’s Book Award.
The Speaker’s Book Award recognizes works by Ontario authors covering historical and cultural aspects of the province with special consideration given to works focusing on Ontario’s parliamentary heritage and on provincial political discourse.
Online applications for the Speaker’s Book Award are accepted from March 1st to May 14th, 2021. The winning book will be announced in autumn 2021.
For more information, visit the Legislative Assembly web site or contact Haley Shanoff at (416) 325-8094 or bookaward@ola.org.
In the Community

Red-Control status mostly impacts capacities for City’s indoor recreation services
The story of one Ottawa family’s journey through COVID-19, complete with a happy ending
Income tax Clinics
South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre will again be offering free tax clinics to residents of low income with simple tax situations in their catchment area. To book an appointment please call 613-737-7195 ext. 6009. http://www.seochc.on.ca/

Stop Overdose Ottawa: Alarming number of Overdoses continue in Ottawa
No one should face dementia alone. Dementia can be highly isolating and recent social distancing requirements have made it more challenging. The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County is the recognized dementia and Alzheimer’s support agency in Ottawa and Renfrew County. We offer FREE multi-lingual support, education and programming. Contact us to learn more about our FREE Make a Connection virtual and remote visiting program for people living with dementia: a social connection for them, a break for the person caring. info@dsorc.ca | 1.888.889.6002| DementiaHelp.ca
Ontario has a self-assessment tool
If you think you have 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine if you need to seek further care. Visit here.
If you require help in Ottawa South, please visit our website for Community links and contacts.Ottawa Public Health
For the latest updates, please click here.
Government of Ontario
Every day at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. ET, the Province of Ontario’s novel coronavirus (COVID-19) web page will be updated with the most up-to-date information including the status of cases in Ontario.
Government of Canada
For the latest COVID-19 updates, please click here.
For the latest on Employment and Social Development changes for employees and employers, click here.Find out about the current reported scams related to COVID-19.Learn how to protect yourself when banking online.Know what to do if you’re a victim of fraud.