Weekly Bulletin

Our office continues to work remotely.
If you require immediate assistance, please email us at jfraser.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org or call us at 613-736-9573.

*NEW: Adjusted hours at multiple testing sites
 Ottawa’s COVID-19 testing strategy has always included the ongoing evaluation of the community’s needs. In March and April, a number of assessment centres extended their weekend hours and multiple temporary sites opened to accommodate a surge in COVID-19 cases across the city. Today, after careful consideration with key partners and a review of current demand, some assessment centres will modify their hours starting Saturday, May 1.

The full list of assessment centres with new hours is included below.

*NEW: COVID-19 CHEO Assessment Centre and Kids Come First Care Clinic at Brewer Park Arena

• Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
• Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
• These hours come into effect on Saturday, May 1

*NEW: COVID-19 Assessment Centre for Adults at Brewer Park Arena

• Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
• Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
• These hours come into effect on Saturday, May 1
Southwest Ottawa COVID-19 Assessment Centre (Located in Richmond)

• Sunday, Monday, and Thursday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
COVID-19 Care and Testing Centre – Moodie

• Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
• Saturday, 8:00 am to 11:30 am (testing only, full care clinic not available on weekends)
• Closed on Sundays
COVID-19 Care and Testing Centre – Ray Friel

• Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
• Saturday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (testing only, full care clinic not available on weekends)
• Closed on Sundays
These changes will not impact Ottawa residents’ access to COVID-19 testing and same-day appointments are frequently available across the city. Sites will also have the capacity to ramp up and adjust hours accordingly, if testing demand begins to increase again.

Vaccine Information in Sign Language

OPH is proud to announce our recently published COVID-19 Resources in American Sign Language webpage that provides accurate, reliable and up-to-date COVID-19 resources to Ottawa’s Deaf and hard of hearing community. The webpage includes several instructional and informational videos on topics such as physical distancing, mask wearing, mental health and more, all in American Sign Language.  

Be Social WISE

Continue to follow Ottawa Public Health guidelines, wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, wash hands frequently, socially distance 2 meters apart and stay home if you are not feeling well.

OPH recommends limiting gatherings as much as possible. In other words, limit gatherings to those who live in your household or those providing support services, such as a caregiver.  If you live alone (single parent, student, etc.), one or two contacts outside your home can be important social supports to draw on.

This week at Queen’s Park.

My thoughts on the End of the Legislative Session.
I ask the Premier what the plan is for schools come September.

COVID-19 specific

Ontario Further Accelerates Second Doses in Delta Hot Spots

Ontario Dramatically Ramping Up Delivery of Rapid Test Kits

Ontario to Move to Step One of Roadmap to Reopen on June 11

June 10, 2021 – Special statement from Dr. Vera Etches



Provincial News

Ontario Extending Temporary Wage Increase for Personal Support Workers

Ontario Launches Applications for 2021-22 Seniors Community Grant

Ontario Introduces Streamlined Employment Supports

Ontario Resumes In-Vehicle Passenger Road Testing Province-wide

Modernized Math Course Prepares Students for Jobs of the Future and Life Skills

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business

In the Community

Pop-up clinics to accept residents from all priority neighbourhoods for 1st dose

Outdoor swimming pools, wading pools, beaches and museums will reopen this month

Ontario has a self-assessment tool
If you think you have 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine if you need to seek further care. Visit here.

If you require help in Ottawa South, please visit our website for Community links and contacts.

Ottawa Public Health
For the latest updates, please click here.

Government of Ontario
Every day at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  ETthe Province of Ontario’s novel coronavirus (COVID-19) web page will be updated with the most up-to-date information including the status of cases in Ontario.

Government of Canada
For the latest COVID-19 updates, please click here.
For the latest on Employment and Social Development changes for employees and employers, click here.

Find out about the current reported scams related to COVID-19.Learn how to protect yourself when banking online.Know what to do if you’re a victim of fraud.